Kubo Walks the City Project

20 minutes 6DoF

Like an “ethno-detective”, follow the footsteps of Kubo, a Korean writer in his urban flanerie in Seoul in 1934, when Korea was under Japanese occupation. See the city through the press caricatures mocking the shortcomings of a part of Korean society emerging from the poverty and archaisms of the past, and discovering with reckless the modernity and prosperity coming with the occupation. Then be confronted with the resistance of another part of the population, through the story of the first Korean athlete to win an Olympic medal in Berlin in 1936, and see how this resistance was erased by censorship.

Director : Hayoun KWON
Graphic design : Adrien CACHINHO
Animation : Samuel ARBOUILLE, Lena LOTH
Cast : Jake BYUN (KR), Corentin KOSCAS (FR & ENG)
Producer : Richard TURCO
Lead developer : Julien LE CORRE