Celebrate & Innovate

Join the celebration in Rotterdam for our 10th edition. Let’s re-unite and look back together at a decade of XR achievements, explore XR opportunities, share XR knowledge, and shape tomorrow’s tech horizon.


VRDays Foundation

de Doelen

City of Rotterdam

Creative Europe MEDIA

Co-funded by the European Union

0 Conferences
0 Speakers
0 Attendees
0 Companies
0 Nationalities



For 10 years, Immersive Tech Week has supported the XR community at the forefront of the XR revolution, celebrating the creativity, innovation, and transformative potential of this industry. As we mark this milestone anniversary, we reflect on a decade of dreaming, pioneering, and shaping the future.

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XR Demo Arena

Exhibitor's Demo Stage

The XR Demo Arena offers exhibitors an exclusive spotlight to showcase their hardware and software solutions. Serving as a focal point for live demonstrations, it enables exhibitors to highlight their capabilities in front of industry professionals and decision-makers.

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Open Calls

Join us

Join us as a sponsor, exhibitor, or speaker as we celebrate 10 years of innovation and look ahead to a future where the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds continue to merge.

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What’s On?

Discover all at ITW 2024

Immersive Tech Week isn't just another conference; it's a thrilling festival of innovation, imagination and creativity. Dive into the world of VR, AR, AI and many more new technologies. Explore interactive installations, try-out new hardware and headsets and learn from industry pioneers. Join us for a celebration of the extraordinary, where the future comes to life like never before!

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Featured 2023 Partners & Exhibitors


HTC Vive

Hogeschool Rotterdam


Unbound XR

360 Fabriek


VR Expert



House of Esports

SwissGames / Pro Helvetia




Women in Immersive Tech

XR from Spain