Play Life Project

26 minutes Interactive 360

PLAY LIFE is a virtual reality film / immersive experience, created based on the paintings of the popular Lithuanian modern artist Algis Kriščiūnas. Using modern computer graphics technologies, the artist’s works were recreated in three-dimensional space and placed in an all- encompassing virtual environment. In the almost half-hour long film, Algis Krisčiūnas’ paintings become living stories, which are given meaning by the exciting choreography of directorial decisions and a specially adapted musical soundtrack of the author’s creation. In this film, you will not only see the paintings brought to life, but you will also hear unique stories written by the author Algis Kriščiūnas himself. It is a conversation between a woman and a man about the passing of life—a nostalgic story coloured by memories and experiences, which gives meaning to the artist’s creative thought and reveals a complex world of feelings. The film was created by a large international team of film, computer graphics and animation professionals.

Key Team Members:

Producer- Zilvinas Naujokas

Directors- Vilius Petrauskas, Mantas Pronckus, Donatas Ulvydas, Zilvinas Naujokas

Concept artist- Vilius Petrauskas

Head of animation and VFX department- Mantas Pronckus

Composer- Darius Zickus

Screenwriter- Algis Krisciunas