Origen Project

23 minutes VR with 6DOF

Origen takes you to the heart of the Amazon forest, allowing you to explore its environmental and spiritual richness by following a mythological boa. Along the way, you uncover stories, revealing the deep connection of the people with their native flora and fauna. By becoming a part of this universe filled with colorful jaguars, macaws, and frogs, you are called to reflect on your own connection to nature: What can we learn from the wise people of the Amazon?

Key Creators and Proucers:

Director : Emilia Sánchez Chiquetti Co-Creator Mokán Rono Art Direction : Natalia Conti VR Art Director : León Felipe Carrizosa Screenplay: Emilia Sánchez Chiquetti, Emilia Sánchez Chiquetti, Presencias LTDA