“As I Lay Dead” allows the player to identify with the deceased lying among those mourning. The player, laying supine, is invited to cast off the familiar shoes of the mourners, and step into the shoes of the figure being mourned. Around the player is a choreography of characters with undefined race, age and genre, each one immersed in their own pain. Invited to spiritual introspection, the player is at last exposed to re-birth: their spirit levitates, seeing their own body draped in a shroud
Organisation: Vitruvio Virtual Reality
Website: https://vitruviovirtualreality.com/
Contact Email: info@vitruviovirtualreality.com
Main Country of Production: Italy
Key Team Members:
Simone Salomoni – director; Alessandro Agostini – chief executive officer; Maurizio Agostini – virtual reality specialist; Ubaldo Righi – art director;